God is good and merciful, just and fair. He won’t make all our problems disappear, but He loves us more than life itself. He cares about us and sacrifices for us daily. We are so loved by Him. He always wants to give us hope and a future. Let His immense love for us surround you and envelope you. …
If we want to live a fruitful Christian life, we must stay connected to Christ every second of every day. With God we can do anything when we are walking in the Spirit. These Bear Much Fruit Coloring Sheets are the perfect reminder to honor and build your relationship with God on a daily basis. You can color them alone,…
Do you find it hard to believe in yourself sometimes? I get it! The world is FULL of pressures to be this or be that, and it s always our temptation to compare ourselves to others, but we must force ourselves to focus on God instead. HE is our standard and when others seem to…
Would you love to color while also falling in love with God s Word more? These Bible Coloring Sheets are the perfect way to do just that! It s full of amazing sayings that you can impress upon you heart as you color them!! You can color them yourself, have your kids do them as part of their homeschooling…
These faith-based encouraging Scripture coloring sheets are so inspiring and will fill your soul. The fact that they double as wall art, tabletop decor and even binder covers, makes them that much better! 🙂 Pages include: Let All That You Do Be Done In Love – 1 Corinthians 16:14 Set Your Mind On The Things Above, Not…
Tasks and things we want to achieve can often seem insurmountable, but the power that God places inside us as Christians is something that can move a mountain, IF we have faith! These faith can move mountains coloring sheets are the perfect way to unwind and remind ourselves that faith comes from wholeheartedly trusting in God and…
Looking for a fun way to relax and unwind while meditating on God? These Faith Hope Love Coloring Sheets are the perfect way to do just that! It s full of awesome quotes that you can write on your heart as you color them!! You can have quiet time alone with you and God as you color them, have your kids…
With all the trials and tribulations in this world, it’s easy to become distracted from what TRULY matters…living with unshakeable faith in Jesus Christ. These focus on Jesus coloring sheets are the perfect way to relax, unwind, and remind ourselves not to lose sight of God in a world full of distractions. When you color these printables let them…
These super cute focus on the good things coloring sheets were inspired by the Scripture: Philippians 4:8. These printables are the perfect way to relax, unwind, and remind ourselves to feed our minds with blessings from God and all the GOOD things we can find in our lives to be thankful for. You can color these sheets alone from some quiet time…
Looking for gorgeous new binder covers? These Glory to God Colorable Binder Covers are the perfect way to jazz up your binders and proudly display your love for God to the world. They are colorable too, so you can relax and unwind, while adding your favorite colors and making the binder covers all your own! Phrases include:…
If you love to color and you love prayer, these He Heals the Brokenhearted Coloring Sheets are perfect for you! These coloring pages have a really cool mosaic type of design that s fun to color while meditating on God’s Word. You can use them with your kids, for yourself, or as a family activity for some bonding…
Do you and your kids love to color? It s such a fun activity to do for some quality time together. Plus it s super relaxing and a massive stress reliever! Listen along with me to godly Christian music or my favorite sermons while you color and use them as time well spent with the Lord. These He is Risen…
Truly, His mercy endures forever! God is good and just, fair, and righteous. He is worthy to be praised and loved and cherished daily, hourly, minute by minute! This His Mercy Endures Forever Coloring Sheet is a relaxing way to bask in God s truth and give thanks to Him in your private worship time or use it…
Looking for some cute new coloring pages to help you remember who God made you to be? These modern design I Am Coloring Sheets are the perfect way to relax and unwind, all while ingraining in your mind that you are loved, called, forgiven, redeemed, and saved. Pages include: I am Redeemed Coloring Sheet I am Loved Coloring…
Do you like to color to unwind, rest, and meditate on God’s Word? This Jesus is My Refuge Coloring Sheets pack has 10 really pretty flower designs to color while you focus your mind and heart on the Lord and all the things He is to us! You can use them with your kids, for yourself, or as a family…
Looking for BEAUTIFUL Christian themed Bible verse coloring pages? These super cute Love Never Fails Coloring Sheets are the perfect way to unwind and put your heart and soul in the right spirit while you focus on Christ. Whether you color them with your family or use them at the next birthday party for all the kids to…