Product Name: Moonstone  Purpose: Happiness, Good Fortune Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Moonstone  Moonstone is regarded as the stone of women and associated with water and the Moon. It is dedicated to the Moon, fertility, and femininity. In line with its feminine character, moonstone inspires flexibility, nurturing wisdom and is believed helpful in…
Product Name: New Beginnings Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Amethyst – Intuition, Sleep,  Higher-Self Sunstone – Freedom, Independence, Luck Labradorite – Protection, Removes Negativity Moonstone – Happiness, Good Fortune Citrine – Abundance, Energy, Success…
Product Name: New Moon Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Moonstone – Happiness, Good Fortune Amethyst – Intuition, Sleep, Higher-Self Black Tourmaline – Protection, EMF, Grounding Citrine – Abundance, Energy, Success Clear Quartz –…
Product Name: Orange Calcite  Purpose: Creativity, Joy, Energizing Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Orange Calcite Orange Calcite helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body, enhances creativity, and is helpful with emotional issues. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse the Root and Sacral Chakras, and to bring positive energy into the…
Product Name: Peacock Pyrite  Purpose: Joy, balance, healing Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Peacock Pyrite  Chalcopyrite is a versatile stone for crystal healing and energy work. It enhances inner knowing, strengthens perception and helps you trust what you see psychically. It is also a protective stone, good for many kinds of protection, including…
Product Name: Perfect & Happy Home Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your current battles.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Citrine – Abundance, Energy, Success Hematite – Healing, Purification, Calm Carnelian – Motivation, Courage Rose Quartz – Love,…
Product Name: Pisces Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Lepidolite – Transition, Decision-Making Blue Calcite – Healing, Purification Moonstone – Happiness, Good Fortune Amethyst – Intuition, Sleep, Higher-Self Rose Quartz – Love, Compassion…
Product Name: Pluto Retrograde Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 6 Raw Pieces of Crystal Smoky Quartz – Grounding, Protection, Calm Labradorite  – Protection against negative energy Black Tourmaline –  Protection, EMF, Grounding Citrine – Abundance, Energy,…
Product Name: Protection & Ridding Negativity Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your current battles.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Hematite – Grounding, Protection, Stability Smokey Quartz – Grounding, Protection, Calm Labradorite – Protection, Removes…
Product Name: Red Jasper  Purpose: Healing, Harmony, Strength Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Red Jasper Jasper is said to be useful for controlling the emotions and a good stone for soothing the nerves. Jasper in whatever form is extremely nurturing and reminds us that we are here to nurture others as well. It occurs…
Product Name: Releasing Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Unakite – Emotional Balance, Willpower Amethyst – Intuition, Sleep, Higher-Self Smoky Quartz – Grounding, Protection, Calm Black Tourmaline – Protection, EMF, Grounding Clear Quartz – Master…
Product Name: Rhodonite  Purpose: Love, Healing,  Balance  Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Rhodonite  Conducts the loving vibration of the heart chakra to the root chakra, so that it can be put into practice in the physical life. Places feelings in action, by providing the understanding that compassion is something to put into…
Product Name: Romantic Partnership Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Blue Kyanite – Calm, Communication Unakite – Emotional Balance, Willpower Rose Quartz – Love, Compassion Green Calcite– Attracting Love, Compassion, Love Carnelian – …
Product Name: Root Chakra Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Black Tourmaline – Protection, EMF, Grounding Rhodonite – Love, Healing, Balance Smoky Quartz – Grounding, Protection, Calm Hematite – Willpower, Confidence, Focus Red Jasper – Health,…
Product Name: Rose Quartz  Purpose: Love, Compassion, Acceptance, Self-Love, Forgiveness  Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Rose Quartz Is the fundamental heart chakra stone, and symbolizes the power and healing potential of unconditional love. Through its gentle vibration, it brings remembrance of the essence of love, free from guilt and fear, and fosters forgiveness, higher…
Product Name: Sacral Chakra Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Carnelian – Motivation, Courage Clear Quartz – Master Healer, Amplifier Smoky Quartz – Grounding, Protection, Calm Moonstone – Happiness, Good Fortune Sunstone – Freedom, Independence, Luck…