Product Name: Desert Rose  Purpose: Cleansing, perseverance, reconnection, and confidence Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Desert Rose Desert Rose Selenite is the perfect meditation tool that helps one stay grounded and balanced. This mineral actives our root, crown, and sacral chakras that assist in mental clarity and focus, manifestation, and self-expression, and unlocking our divine…
Product Name: Emerald   Purpose: Relationships, Love  Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Emerald  Emerald is an excellent stone for reviving passion, whether for an interest, a person, or a job. To attract romantic love, wear or carry an Emerald out of sight near the heart. To call back an estranged love, speak the…
Product Name: Empath Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Black Tourmaline – Protection, EMF, Grounding Amethyst – Intuition, Sleep, Higher-Self Hematite – Willpower, Confidence, Focus Rose Quartz – Love, Compassion Labradorite – Protection,…
Product Name: Energy Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Green Aventurine – Inner Strength, Wealth Amazonite – Calm, Truth, Reduces Anxiety Amethyst – Intuition, Sleep, Higher-Self Carnelian – Motivation, Courage Clear Quartz – Master Healer, Amplifier …
Product Name: Fertility & Pregnancy Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your current battles.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Moonstone – Happiness, Good Fortune, Strength Carnelian – Motivation, Courage Unakite – Emotional Balance, Willpower Rose Quartz…
Product Name: Fluorite  Purpose: Stabilizing, Grounding, Harmonizing Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Fluorite Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to spirit. Fluorite further anchors…
Product Name: Forgiveness, Releasing, & Healing Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your current battles.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Lepidolite – Transition, Decision-Making Rhodonite – Love, Healing, Balance Unakite – Emotional Balance, Willpower Green…
Product Name: Fuchsite  Purpose: Rejuvenation, Renewal, Healing Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Fuchsite  Fuchsite is a mineral of rejuvenation and renewal. Fuchsite helps spark the joy and sweetness of our inner child; reminding us that the vitality of youth, no matter what the age, is an attitude of heart and mind. Emerald…
Product Name: Full Moon Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Carnelian – Motivation, Courage Amethyst – Intuition, Sleep, Higher-Self Citrine – Abundance, Energy, Success Labradorite – Protection, Removes Negativity Clear Quartz – Master Healer,…
Product Name: Garnet  Purpose: Attracting Love, Sexuality, Love, Prosperity, Health, Creativity Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Garnet  The Sex Stone especially for those lacking sexual fulfilment. Garnet strengthens the life force and provides for the spontaneous availability of energy when needed. It fosters romantic love, passion and intimacy. It is also known as the Stone…
Product Name: Gemini Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Moonstone – Happiness, Good Fortune Clear Quartz – Master Healer, Amplifier Citrine – Abundance, Energy, Success Chrysoprase – Divine Truth, Joy,…
Product Name: Green Aventurine  Purpose: Prosperity, Happiness, Luck Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Green Aventurine  Aventurine is said to benefit one in all areas of creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. Lore says that it enhances prosperity and brings career success. It is a gentle stone energetically that gives…
Product Name: Green Calcite  Purpose: Balance, Release, Healing  Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Green Calcite  Green calcite is a grounding and centering stone that brings stability. It increases success, prosperity, business, and fertility of all kinds. It is an excellent stone for gardening. It is also considered a stone of manifestation because of…
Product Name: Green Opal    Purpose: Emotional Recovery, Perspective  Product Description:  1 Raw Piece of Green Opal  It is a cleansing and rejuvenating stone, bringing energy and quick recovery from illness, exhaustion or mental angst. Whether helping one to unburden the heart or providing assistance in relationships, Green Opals have the ability to filter…
Product Name: Grounding Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Hematite – Willpower, Confidence, Focus, Grounding Unakite – Emotional Balance, Willpower Red Jasper – Health, Harmony, Strength, Grounding Tourmaline – Cleanse, Reenegrizing Yellow…
Product Name: Healers Crystal Set  Purpose: Crystal sets are perfect for having all of all of the crystals that works perfectly together to ensure you receive the best results for your currently battle.  Product Description: 5 Raw Pieces of Crystal Amethyst – Intuition, Sleep, Higher-Self Smoky Quartz – Grounding, Protection, Calm Black Tourmaline – Protection, EMF, Grounding Labradorite – Protection, Removes negativity Rose Quartz –…